How people cope with the loss of a pet is as varied and unique as the pets we mourn. Many people want to honor their furry or scaly family members and we want to help by offering a place to memorialize those pets that may be gone, but will forever live in our hearts and in our memories.
If you would like to submit a photo or two along with a brief message, it would be our honor to put them on this memorial page. Digital submissions are best and can be sent to our email: [email protected], subject Memorial for {pet's name}.
*Please note, messages may be edited for length or content.
If you would like to submit a photo or two along with a brief message, it would be our honor to put them on this memorial page. Digital submissions are best and can be sent to our email: [email protected], subject Memorial for {pet's name}.
*Please note, messages may be edited for length or content.
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then will you do what must be done, For this — the last battle — can't be won. You will be sad I understand, But don't let grief then stay your hand, For on this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship must stand the test. We have had so many happy years, You wouldn't want me to suffer so. When the time comes, please, let me go. Take me to where to my needs they'll tend, Only, stay with me till the end And hold me firm and speak to me Until my eyes no longer see. I know in time you will agree It is a kindness you do to me. Although my tail its last has waved, From pain and suffering I have been saved. Don't grieve that it must be you Who has to decide this thing to do; We've been so close — we two — these years, Don't let your heart hold any tears. — Unknown |
Tammy Mattner
Jackson Montgomery Delphia Carico Ruby
Feb. 14, 2006-Sept. 29, 2017Jack was born in a holler in Pegram, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville. This was a place where dogs ran free, and he found the right car to run in front of one rainy day. After she stopped, the car's owner found him sitting in a drainage ditch next to the road, just about six weeks old. He was unharmed but emaciated, so she scooped him up and took him home. Once he was properly fattened up, she posted his picture to her friends in Michigan and asked who might come adopt a puppy? We hit the road that weekend, driving down to Tennessee to get him. Jack was an escape artist, somehow managing to jump over four-foot fences with his compact frame. He had soulful brown eyes, ringed with guy liner. He was great at maintaining eye contact, it was how he communicated his love. His pointed ears were the stuff of legends, one pointing up and the other down. He had an unusual zig-zag pattern in the fur down his back that stood up when he was on alert. We were never able to figure out where it came from. Jack was an unusual dog in that he was always taking care of his humans. He could stop any argument by pawing at our feet, making us look down into his eyes, dissipating all anger. His trust in people he loved was unqualified-he knew that he would never be harmed. He gave the best kisses, licking your wh0le face. He liked his comfort and enjoyed lying in his chair on the deck, overseeing the yard. Occasionally he would run after a squirrel or bird, but mostly he was content to soak up the sun. Sadly, after being sick for about two weeks, Jack was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma. As sick as he was in his final days, he never lost his spirit. His tail still wagged when you approached, trying to comfort us as we spent our last days together. He wasn't much for non-family (though he loved his vet), but he loved other dogs, especially his sister-in-heaven, Stella, and his chosen sister, Noa. We know what he will be met by Stella at the Rainbow Bridge. She will greet him with a stuffed animal in her mouth, continuing her efforts to teach him to tug instead of just chewing it. They will be reunited, healthy, and overjoyed to see one another after all this time. Tails wagging wildly, their game of chase will never end. --Written by Jack's pet parents |
BrewsterOctober 2006-October 2019 Brewster was the kind of cat who always made his presence known. He was always meowing to get your attention, trying to steal your food (and was often successful), he would break into anything cheesy (his favorites were Cheetos), he would take bites of bread, and he was always eating everyone else’s food. He loved to lay on board games. He had quite the personality and I will always be reminded of him. He was an amazing cat, and I’m so sad he died.
He once disappeared in the wall as a kitten and I had to meow to help him get out, he often got in the shower with me as a kitten and would look up and meow at me as he got soaked. He liked to come under the covers as a kitten, he also liked to climb the door and sit on top of the door also as a kitten. In the RV we thought he had escaped but he was in a drawer that was barely open. He loved to carry things like stuffing emptied dog toys, and other things he thought were prey and meow outside my door. He wanted to show me his catch. He also would put them in the litter box if I didn’t acknowledge him. I love you Brewster, and I miss you every day. -Written by Brewster's pet parent, Amber |
ZaneFebruary 15, 2004 – April 1, 2020Zane had a big, warm, happy personality. He always met me at the door. He acted like every visitor to our home had come to see him – well, hadn’t they? My little Siamese-tabby athlete fetched toy mice, leaped high off the ground, even climbed window screens in his excitement at
seeing lightning bugs outside. Until his dying day, his favorite “people foods” were apples and cheese. I met Zane when he was four weeks old. Four weeks later, I brought him and his sister Willa home. As a kitten he raced around in motion so crazy, he knocked pictures off the wall. He didn’t want to be held. He had an agenda. He was a boy on the move. Of course, he mellowed. He grew to love being held; he’d bury his face in the curve of my arm, tucking his head there like a bird under its wing. Zane had a funny little birdy-chirp meow and a thick, plush coat that darkened from light gray to deep taupe as he got older. He reveled in belly rubs, and he licked human hands in appreciation. In the palest daylight, I could see the dark tiger markings on his face. He knew his nicknames: Zaney Boy, Zaney Beast, Zaney Bug, ZB, and Z–always, Z. It’s good to recall that Zane now -- to remember that for most of his life, he was a healthy, happy kitty. When a beloved pet sickens and dies, the last hard weeks tend to cloud your memory, the last sad glance at his body burns into your brain until it’s in danger of becoming all you know of him. So I need to remember the high-jumping Zaney Boy, the screen-climbing ZB, the cheerful, vibrant Z who welcomed everyone into his world with open paws. And maybe if I lie on the couch and close my eyes, I’ll see that Zane again. Yes – here he is now, bounding across the rug, mousie clamped in his jaws, willing to keep fetching just as long as I keep throwing. -Written by Zane's pet parent, Becky
Oak2008-2020From the moment we got him our boy was the rambunctious sibling. Oak hated the vet, loved playing with toys and showing off his vertical leap, and playing paddy-cake with his sister.
Despite that he knew how to appreciate a good sunbeam better than anyone, and we joked that he was like a dog in how sensitive and sweet he could be. Rest in peace buddy - you are sorely missed. |
HarleyJuly 2010-April 2020Our beloved Harley was a dog unlike any of the others we've had. He was mellow and sweet-tempered. He loved having his face rubbed and if you stopped rubbing, his big paw would urge you to continue. A brisk walk was never a possibility; it would be an amble at best. Even when he escaped the yard to go walkabout, he would not run away from you, he'd stay just six feet in front of you. He was a gentle giant who even as his health declined would stand on the deck barking at the coyotes, warning them away from his family. His best friends were our cats. He loved meeting foster kittens. I will miss him daily as he was the one with whom I shared the couch. He and I would always arrange our bodies so there was room for both of us. Often he'd lay his paws and big head on my lap. Other times my legs and feet would be stretched out across his back. Amble free, buddy. I hope you find comfy couches and kittens to snuggle.
Heidi Blackburn |
Hansel Blackburn |
May 4, 2005-October 12, 2019
A piece of our hearts died with our little girl. We had her since birth, and for 14 years Heidi brought true joy into our hearts and home. She was a comfort in times of sadness, and always a source of gladness. We have the sweetest of memories with her.
There will never be another like you, "Lulu". Your presence will forever be felt here, and you are, and will always be, so missed. -Written by Heidi's pet parents, Lisa and Bob |
April 4, 2000-November 15, 2019We had to say goodbye to our sweet boy just one month after losing our little Heidi. He deeply missed his companion of 14 years when she left us. Hansel had such a beautiful, gentle, patient little spirit. We are grateful to have had 19 great years with him.
We feel a huge void by your absence, "BigCat", but you left us with memories to last a lifetime. We will miss you so much. -Written by Hansel's pet parents, Lisa and Bob |
Radar (2010-2020)
Having to say goodbye to our sweet boy was one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make. We had him since he was a puppy and ever since then he has brought nothing but joy and happiness in all of our lives. We have been blessed to have had all the sweet memories with him. He will be forever missed and forever in our hearts. - with love, your family I chose to adopt Jenny from the Humane Society of Huron Valley in 2011 because she was 10 years old and had been waiting for her forever family for four months. She was a gentle girl who loved attention. She spent most every night sleeping next to my pillow. I miss her.
-Anne Milky (2017-2020)
The day after we picked him up from the middle of nowhere in Ohio, he was already causing trouble in the Cui household. From leaving holes in our blinds to ripping off all the leaves of my mom's plants, my parents often questioned why I had brought him home in the first place. But the chaos he brought upon us was uncomparable to the joy and love we found with him. When my father was stuck in bedrest from a herniated disc, Milky would bring his favorites toys to him to play fetch and nap on my dad in the most uncomfortable looking positions afterwards. When he wasn’t sowing chaos, his favorite spot was to be in somebody's arms or lap giving us his unconditional love and warmth. It was like he was incapable of feeling anything but love and affection for us. He will be forever missed as a cherished family member of the Cui household. If love could have kept you alive, you would've lived forever. -Cui Family |
Zuni (2005-2019)
Zuni was an owner surrender adoptee from the Huron Valley Humane Society. She was a very special kitty who endeared herself to every human she ever met, even to those self-proclaimed non-cat people! Zuni was an incredibly loving...and sassy...sweetheart who will be forever missed. To lovely Luna and the many wonderful memories she gave us.
-Your loving family and many friends Ava (12.2.2003-10.6.2018)
She was full of love and joy. Every moment with Ava was a treasure. We will always love you and miss you! You are in our hearts forever! -Your family and friends Moggy (2003-2020)
I met Moggy at the Huron Valley Humane Society. She was very shy at first, but she loved to be with people. She was very sweet and I miss her a lot. |
Ritz the bearded dragon.
Go (2013-2020)

TOBY - "Forever our baby."